Thursday 8 August 2013

The Benefits of Pro / Member Golf Trips

One of the most common trips we coordinate here at Golf Away Tours is the Pro / Member trip. Typically these occur in the 'shoulder season' for golf professionals in early Spring or late Fall when there is a little more time to enjoy some social golf with members. But there are many further benefits to a golf professional beyond finally getting to play some golf. Here are three good reasons why every golf professional should go on a golf trip with their members.

1. There is no greater way to build relations with members and strengthen their loyalty than by spending a week eating, drinking and playing golf with them. Most members only know their pro through making tee times or taking a lesson. The natural social situation of golfers enjoying golf removes that invisible barrier between pros and members and allows people to really get to know each other in a much deeper sense.

2. Similar to above, a golf trip allows members to get to know each other better and develop relationships that strengthen the fabric of the club. Healthy clubs tend to be ones where the members have strong bonds and everyone feels welcome. A golf trip will be a conversation piece amongst members for years afterwards.

3. Often a pro doesn't hear about issues or opinions at the club until it has passed through multiple filters that skew the original context. A golf trip provides a forum for members to give raw feedback to the professional about things they like about the club, things they don't like, suggestions for improvement, etc. It gives the professional a chance to get out ahead of any potential sore points that could fester into something more serious down the road.

Virtually all of our pro / member trips have been a resounding success and generally the group has already started planning their next trip by the time they land back home. The trips tend to grow in stature and numbers as more members want to join in the fun.

If your club is interested in this type of golf trip, feel free to give us a ring here at Golf Away Tours and we'll help get the ball rolling.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking of considering a membership as well but I was kind of hesitant to try it because it is a bit expensive. Instead, I decided to consider all inclusive golf vacations
    to help me find a good deal.
